The season of our Fantastic Visits also opened this week. For the occasion, we followed the visit of the Lower Town of Fribourg with joyful residents of the EMS Les Marronniers (Tertianum) who came from Martigny on Friday to discover the history and the old walls and cobbled streets of the old Fribourg, right on the banks of the Sarine.

The colourful visit was a pleasant escape from everyday life for them, thanks to the narration punctuated with animations and surprises by our heritage guide Corinne Nicaise-Maccachi. We won’t tell you too much, however, so that you can discover for yourself everything that one of these guided tours – which we also offer in Geneva and Neuchâtel – has to offer.

Here, some pictures of what was a great afternoon full of laughter, smiles and sharing for all. (ew)

The spring of 2023 brings changes to our Foundation Council. Appointment, departures and arrival.

After the departure of Georg E. Paltzer, Véronique Bornand-Sickenberg has been appointed Vice President of the Just for Smiles Foundation Council. Christian Bonhôte, also a long-standing member, has left the Council at the end of 2022. At the same time, a new member, Hans-Rudolf Osterwalder, has joined the Council.

The entire Just for Smiles team and the members of the Board would like to thank Georg E. Paltzer and Christian Bonhôte for their tireless commitment to our foundation. And we welcome Hans-Rudolf Osterwalder and thank him for joining us to support and promote our work and commitment to the inclusion of people with disabilities and equality. (ew)

While the theme of this International Women’s Rights Day 2023 was digital inequality, other themes related to inequality and discrimination of women and girls were not forgotten. Like the doubly sad reality recalled by Handicap International (Switzerland)*: while 35% of women and girls worldwide are exposed to physical, emotional or sexual violence by their partner or another person, this violence affects women and girls with disabilities, and in particular those living with a mental disability, almost ten times more.

Key public health issue

As Handicap International points out, this is not only a major violation of the rights of the victims, but also a key public health issue. Such violence, often perpetrated by people in charge of these women and girls, leads to numerous health problems, as well as psychological trauma and social and economic exclusion for the victims, in many countries. Moreover, it is children with disabilities who are particularly exposed to this violence and its consequences.

Faced with this invisible violence against women and girls with disabilities, which is still largely ignored by the public, Handicap International is developing projects to enable victims to rebuild their lives, escape isolation and play a role in their community. “Ending this violence is a priority”, explains Bénédicte de la Taille, Handicap International’s expert in protection against violence.

Handicap International’s mission

As the association’s website states: “Handicap International is active in nearly 60 of the world’s poorest countries, and also in Switzerland. The association helps people with disabilities and vulnerable people so that they can ‘live upright’ again.” An indispensable work. (ew)


On the first of February, we received a lovely cheque from Sylvia Volery-Morattel. At the Christmas market in Aumont (FR), which she organises, she collected donations for Just for Smiles by selling chalet soup, tea and mulled wine last december. In addition, the generous craftswoman donated 10% of the sales of her handmade pottery to our foundation. As our donor explained to the newspaper La Broye (photo), which was present at the donation ceremony, as was Le Républicain: “I give part of the income each year to a regional association. For me, it is important to think about the needs next door. I was very moved when I learned that this sum would provide a catamaran trip for 16 beneficiaries.

Every donation counts

Indeed, it is also through these funds raised by private donors such as Sylvia Volery-Morattel that our foundation can continue and expand its sports and leisure activities for people with disabilities. (ew)


The entire team of the Just for Smiles Foundation wishes you a happy holiday season and a good start to 2023!



End of year closure

Our office will be closed from 24 December 2022 to 3 January 2023. We look forward to being with you again on 2 January.

In case of an emergency related to the ski activities, please call the service providers whose contact details you will find here.

Christmas is a time of sharing and generosity – a good time to raise funds for Just for Smiles as illustrated by the following two initiatives.

Chalet soup for the benefit of Just for Smiles at the Christmas market in Aumont (FR)

10th decembre  2022, 10 am to 7 pm

During the Christmas Market in Aumont (FR), the sale of the traditional chalet soup will benefit our foundation. In advance, we would like to say a big THANK YOU! to the main organiser of this event,  Sylvia Volery-Morattel. This is not the first time that this craft and pastry enthusiast have worked for Just for Smiles. In 2019, she already organised a bake sale for our foundation at the Mother’s Day Market of Font.  More informations



The Lion’s Club Morges Sport at the Morges Christmas Market

11th december 2022, 10 am to 6 pm

At the Morges Christmas Market, the members of the Lion’s Club Morges Sport will have a stand to raise funds for Just for Smiles. A great initiative for which we thank them in advance with all our heart!


As we have all recently learned, the containment measures have been extended until April 26. After that date, they are subject to a three-phase relaxation, the details of which are now known. You must surely be wondering what these decisions mean for you and for our activities. The ongoing Covid-19 coronavirus crisis has forced us to stop all our activities abruptly. As you also know, our partner institutions have closed their workshops and most parents have taken their children home for an indefinite period of time. Some young people are struggling to understand what is going on, loss of bearings, altered routines, incomprehension… we  pay tribute to he courage and tenacity of all these parents!

While the “deconfinement” strategy has recently been revealed at the national level, the Just for Smiles Foundation will have to integrate in this strategy a special attention to the consideration of people with disabilities in order to be able to determine us about an opening date for the next sailing season as well as any other activity (karting and joëllette and fantastic visits). However, this determination can only be made after prior consultation with a few partner institutions.

The preparation of the post-crisis period is therefore not to be neglected, as the exceptional measures deployed will only be able to hold out over the long term if the medico-social establishments benefit from reinforced means for the rehabilitation and reintegration of their residents, a smooth adaptation to a disrupted reality. Many parents also fear that children will have difficulty returning to their institution once the confinement is lifted. We therefore wish to optimise our primary mission and maximise our mobilisation to guarantee continuity in the support of people with disabilities through reinforced measures for the care of people with disabilities and their carers (whether they be medical-social institutions or parents).

We will keep you informed. Take care of yourself and of your loved ones.


500 000


4 120


Let the counter go up!

About the foundation

Gliding through the snow, riding the waves, taking in the fresh air of the great outdoors, experiencing the exhilaration of speed: Just for Smiles is a Foundation with a public interest status that gives children, teenagers and adults with restricted mobility the opportunity to enjoy all the excitation and freedom of outdoor activities.

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Route de Lucens 143
CH-1527 Villeneuve

+41 26 663 40 36