What motivated me to work for Just for Smiles

– Acting against the isolation and social exclusion of people with disabilities. Saying no to indifference and above all saying yes to differences. Saying yes to tolerance and living together through sports. And finally, saying a big yes to fighting every day to evolve society and to act concretely so that every person with a disability can live with and among others in respect of their differences and free will.

An achievement that is particularly close to my heart

– In fact, I’ll cheat and mention three achievements that are close to my heart:
(i) Every beautiful smile of our beneficiaries that becomes a powerful and inspiring force for changing mindsets within our society;
(ii) Every donation from our generous donors and patrons that is capable of creating significant change and positive impact on the major challenges of disability today;
(iii) Every gesture, every warmth of the heart, and all the energy that the Just for Smiles team invests every day to grow this incredible chain of solidarity around disability in Switzerland.

My future vision for Just for Smiles

– Making a lasting difference to the needs of our beneficiaries and addressing the major challenges around disability through strengthening the positioning, funding, and visibility of Just for Smiles throughout Switzerland. On behalf of the Foundation, a big thank you to all our donors and supporters who enable us to continue reducing the still very real inequalities and encourage us to launch new initiatives through sports.

What motivated me to work for Just for Smiles

Putting my energy and skills at the service of a cause that seems essential to me, one that gives more meaning to humanity and contributes to the well-being of those who need it most.

An accomplishment that is particularly dear to me

Embodying the values of the Foundation to carry out missions and projects in collaboration with a dynamic, supportive, and always attentive team.

My future vision for Just for Smiles

My ability to effectively convey the Foundation’s mission and to inspire future donors’ support. Contributing to this major societal challenge and making the Just for Smiles Foundation shine throughout Switzerland. Being able to offer outings to as many people with disabilities as possible.

What motivated me to work for Just for Smiles

– Sport and adventure for everyone is something I hold dear. Just for Smiles aims to make leisure activities easily accessible to anyone in an institution. Making these experiences possible on water, snow, a karting track, or experiencing our cities in their full temperament and being able to share these emotions motivates me to generate smiles.

An achievement that I hold dear

– Dreaming moves us forward, so let’s dream: a virtual reality tour of our Swiss mountains from the air.

My vision for the future of Just for Smiles

– Just for Smiles is a foundation known to institutions in the French-speaking, German-speaking, and Latin parts of Switzerland, and they can benefit from the activities offered in their region or when visiting another canton.

500 000


4 120


Let the counter go up!

About the foundation

Gliding through the snow, riding the waves, taking in the fresh air of the great outdoors, experiencing the exhilaration of speed: Just for Smiles is a Foundation with a public interest status that gives children, teenagers and adults with restricted mobility the opportunity to enjoy all the excitation and freedom of outdoor activities.

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Route de Lucens 143
CH-1527 Villeneuve

+41 26 663 40 36